Many computer people know what they doing and know how the system works and when a customer comes up to you with a problem you try to resolve it a try to explain to them what is going on inside the computer. Recently there has been a lot of incidents with big companies such as Best Buy and Circuit City. Their lack of knowledge and training from their own workers have impacted the way that business is doing and is losing trust on the customer.
I have provide you guys with good examples of what type of rip off you may face when taking a computer for repair,remember to be cautious and learn from the mistakes that other people have faced.
Many Geeks would just throw in your pc,fix it and not explain a dam thing to you ,print out an invoice and expect payment without you knowing anything of what happened. If they purchased a NEW PART for the PC ,you maybe want to keep your old parts along with your invoices just in case you might have the same problem in the future and you can bitch about it.
If the same problem continues please take caution and ask "why the problem continuing" if you charged him to fix it.
If he apologizes and fixed the SAME ISSUE BUT charge you again sent, obviously he is not being a good GEEK and doent desert to be paid.
But when all is done be sure to keep his business card in handy and complain by doing the following
- Call him and tell him you were not happy with the service
- E-mail him and tell him the same
- Tell your friends hes not reliable
- dont go back to him