Many know the term virus's and spy-ware but very rare do you hear the word MALWARE which really gives a customer this feeling of “WTF?!” and its fun because i get the chance to educate them and lend a helping hand.
WALMARE,what is it? well the word means “malicious and software” designed to damage a computer system without the owner’s informed consent. Others call this malware anoying,intrusive, and hostile program codes or “VIRUSES” just to help the customer know how this program does.The malware codes and program is just a big bundle package that contains trojans,viruses,worms, and all that bad stuff we all know could get crazy. I see it as a 6 pack of the bug.
This is what wikipedia said:
“The best-known types of malware, viruses and worms, are known for the manner in which they spread, rather than any other particular behavior. The term computer viruses is used for a program which has infected some executable software and which causes that software, when run, to spread the virus to other executable software. Viruses may also contain a payload which performs other actions, often malicious. A worm, on the other hand, is a program which actively transmits itself over a network to infect other computers. It too may carry a payload. Some writers in the trade and popular press appear to misunderstand this distinction, and use the terms interchangeably.” One way to detect malware is if you get annoying little pop ups and your computer starts to do activities that you know are Un-normal.If this happends i would strongly suggest to back-up your personal files and delete them from the computer itself and to be sure just unplug the internet so no data would be trasferd. Heres a good PDF for the SYMANTEC ENTERPRISE SECURITY features and articles (should be VERY HELPFUL) If you like in the Southbend,elkhart,goshen (INDIANA) area you can give us a call and we would be glad to take care of you.
These definitions lead to the observation that a virus requires user intervention to spread, whereas a worm spreads automatically. Using this distinction, infections transmitted by email or MSWORD documents, which rely on the recipient opening a file or email to infect the system, would be classified as viruses rather than worms.If you have a protection program such as symantec internet security,it should protect you but sometimes these threaths sometimes get to the good guy and disable him and has no way to getting rid of the virus.